
Pet Projects, Awards and Extracurricular Activities

MobilidadeJP (2013 – current)

Although the city I live in (João Pessoa, Brazil) has around 600.000 inhabitants, there is a huge lack of information over its public transport services. The local transport agency does not publicize the bus routes or location of bus stops on their website. Through an access to information law, a friend and I requested this kind of data and I created a blog to document the request and share the data we obtained. The blog also serves as a small hub of useful tools related to local public transport. The data we obtained has been used by other local developers in some of those tools.

Speeches for first year Comp. Science students (2011 – current)

For several semesters, I have been invited to give motivational speeches in the official introduction week for the first year Computer Science bachelor students at my university. Usually I try to encourage the students to also seek for knowledge outside the university walls (by having a pet project, for example).


Motivational speech for first year Computer Science students

OQueVaiPassar (2011)

As a cable TV user, I was so overwhelmed with all the different HBOs and other movie channels that I created a software that automatically scrapes cable TV movie schedules, matches them with movie reviews from another website (IMDb) and updates a Twitter profile (@OQueVaiPassar – Portuguese translation for What’s On) with the best upcoming movies of the day.

Google Code-In (2011)

At the beginning of 2011 I took part of Google Code-In 2010/2011, a competition to introduce students to open source development (something like a Google Summer of Code for teenagers). I was the only latin american grand prize winner among 360+ students from 48 countries.

Me and Chris DiBona at the Googleplex, Mountain View, CA

AprovadosUFPB (2010)

When I started my first bachelor program (I studied 1 year of Statistics), I developed a system that scrapped the individual approved students page from my university website and presents this same information in a more structured way. Also, I have gathered some statistics never seen before (like the graduation course with more women, the graduation course with the oldest age average and other curiosities). The website was quite popular when I launched it. From January 2010 to April 2014, the website had more than 420.000 page views.

AprovadosUFPB screenshot

AprovadosUFPB screenshot


Click on the pictures for more information.

May, 2007. My first Ruby on Rails project: a simple ERP system



Created in 2003, LAViD stands for Laboratory of Digital Video Applications and is integrated into the Department of Informatics (DI) at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB). LAViD is one of the biggest research labs at UFPB and has several research projects in hardware and software related to the areas of Digital Video, Computer Networks, Digital TV and Interactive Applications for TV’s and Middleware. I’ve been granted with research scholarships to work into the following projects:

  • SE-AaaS: Experimental Service – Accessibility as a Service (June 2014 – current)

Aim to offer several services to Brazilian deaf population. For example, there is a service to automatically convert subtitled videos into accessible videos, with an 3D-avatar performing signs from the Brazilian Sign Language. I am responsible for writing a new version of their portal and for integrating different systems through web services. Financed by RNP.

  • Simulator of the Inter-american System of Human Rights – ISHR (March 2014 – May 2014)

This interdisciplinary project was managed by CCJ/UFPB (Legal Sciences Center) and had as main goal the development of a simulator of the Inter-American System of Human Rights, in which Law students are able to go through all the steps involved in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, assuming different roles (petitioners, state agents and court members). I was the main developer of the tool and also coordinated an intern. We used the framework Ruby on Rails for most of the system. Financed by CNPq.

  • Web team leader (September 2013 – March 2014)

During this period I was responsible for hiring and managing a team of 4 web developers that worked in several small projects in the lab, like maintaining old projects, building websites for events organized by the lab and so on. I had the change to learn a lot about hiring and team management.

  • JCollab (June 2012 – April 2013)

Web system to automate the workflow of a collaborative TV news studio, including a social network where users and journalists can interact and take part on the process. I was the main developer on the project and worked with the framework Ruby on Rails. Financed by RNP.

Co-author on the paper: Kellyanne C. Alves, Guido L. de S. Filho, Sandra Moura, Fernando S. de M. Brito. 2014. Collaborative learning in digital journalism: using JCollab for journalists’ education. Brazilian Journalism Research. Online edition.

  • Ginga AppStore (April 2011 – March 2012)

Ginga AppStore is focused on developing an Application Store (similar to the Apple Store and Android Market) to the Ginga, the middleware of the SBDTV (Brazilian Digital Television System) standard. I was responsible for the repository where the applications are stored and for writing Redmine plugins. While working in this project, I have learned a lot about Git, oAuth authentication, REST interfaces, Redmine internals and much more. Financed by RNP.

Co-author on the paper: Alan L. V. Guedes, Luís F. S. Costa, Fernando S. de M. Brito, Ana Paula N. Guimarães, José Ivan B. V. Filho, Carlos Eduardo C. F. Batista, and Guido L. de Souza Filho. 2013. GingaSpace: a solution to execute multidevice applications on broadband TV systems. In Proceedings of the 19th Brazilian symposium on Multimedia and the web (WebMedia ’13). ACM, http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2526188.2526239.

  • LAViD Website (January 2011 – March 2011)

LAViD used to have a static website where research projects and staff were always outdated because they had to be maintained manually by editing the HTML code. After receiving the PSD file from a designer, I did the HTML and CSS conversion and used Ruby on Rails to develop both the front and the back ends. The website is available at lavid.ufpb.br.

  • LuaTV (April 2010 – December 2010)

LuaTV is an API specification to extend the functionalities of the Ginga-NCL environment available at the SBDTV standard. More information available at this paper. I was responsible for the integration (binding) between the Lua and the C/C++ code in order to validate the LuaTV specification.

Community Building

HoraExtraJP (2011 – current)

DojoJampa – Coding Dojo (2011)

IV and V ENSOL (2010 and 2011)

ENSOL (Encontro de Software Livre da Paraíba – Paraíba’s Free Software Congress) is one of the biggest Free Software events in my region (Brazilian Northeast), with more than 500 participants per year. For two years I volunteered at the organization and had the chance to meet people like Rasmus Lerdof, Joh “Maddog” Hall and also a few other awesome guys from Brazil. I gained a lot of experience on the organization of big events, including financial and logistic aspects.



Open Data Day (December 2010)

My friend and I organized a local edition of the Open Data Day. “Open Data Day is a gathering of citizens in cities around the world to write applications, liberate data, create visualizations and publish analyses using open public data to show support for and encourage the adoption open data policies by the world’s local, regional and national governments”. We worked on public expenses data from our local government.

The event was aired on the most important TV channel from our city.

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